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2009-03-02 [Pnelma Tirian]: Hahaha ^_^; just trying to keep things as clear as possible. Let me know if I overdo things!
2009-03-02 [Nite_Owl]: Awesome, at last some sanity :P
2009-03-02 [PhoenixSilverDark]: JC: Bold our char names? I'm not in another X-Men RP, am I?
2009-03-02 [Evolution X]: -_-
2009-03-02 [Pnelma Tirian]: no, you're not, JC, this is just for clarity's sake.
2009-03-02 [Chel.]: ahh.... clarity feels like hot sex in the center of a Twinkie(c)
2009-03-02 [PhoenixSilverDark]: I'd like to know how you might know what that experience would be like...JC says: I would want to shower after that.
2009-03-02 [Chel.]: HAHA!! .....probably.
2009-03-02 [Elwyne]: ummmmm... Deltira got swamped. How am I ever going to catch up with all this?
2009-03-02 [PhoenixSilverDark]: There's not much to really be caught up on. We're still waiting for any big wigs to speak at the convention, still mingling. -shrug-
2009-03-02 [Jeesum Crowe]: It's not that much, we just got started.
2009-03-02 [Chel.]: is she the one with the crossbow?
2009-03-02 [Pnelma Tirian]: Elwyne, I wrote up a synopsis at the top of the rp in red, if that helps. :)
2009-03-02 [PhoenixSilverDark]: This page looks better with lots of RP goodness.
2009-03-02 [Pnelma Tirian]: ain't that the truth?
2009-03-02 [Trennas]: not to seem like a whining bitch, but i was just wondering; is RPing always going the way it went last night? so many itchy edit button fingers that there simply is no time to post anything in between? :p kind of takes the fun out of it, especially when its 2 in the morning and all you want to do is post your bit and go to bed:p
mind you, i never really did this before, so if there is always going to be an edit button war, i'd at least like to be mentally prepared for it:p
2009-03-02 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Edit Button Wars are the best part! Everyone gets heated over it and then your character gets more complicated because of your frustration! :D
Besides, who needs sleep anyway?
2009-03-02 [Trennas]: i dont particularly see the bright side of that, its annoying and hindering the actual game at best :s
well, some of us mortals do:p
2009-03-02 [PhoenixSilverDark]: It's all part of the fun. It indicates that the RP is a good one when one has trouble gaining access to the edit. But if it ever comes to it again and you need to depart and haven't gotten a chance to post, message someone with your post and they can slip it in there, PT permitting.
2009-03-02 [Chel.]: If someone can't get online once every hour or so, edit button wars can be a pain in the ass and players can get swamped and left out because of it. So if you aren't online during the war, it sucks big time and leaves a crap load of reading to do.
Though when you are online, it's exciting to have a bunch of people posting at the same time. Not to mention how quickly paced the rp goes. Again, this is both good and bad for players.
The posts in the convention hall that happened last night is really just a lot of talking and getting to know one another. So no one really missed anything. If this part was action packed, yea it would suck more.
Though my suggestion for those who haven't put their characters in here yet would be to just jump in.
2009-03-02 [Trennas]: i understand the points, but i dont think that a good RP needs to be overwhelmed by edit buttons wars to be a good RP. Also, the pacing might go a little too quickly for someone who gets swamped during the edit button war, resulting in a lot of catching up the next chance they get.
I just cant help but wondering if RP-ing on ET could be made easier, or at least more accessible?
2009-03-02 [Chel.]: Yea, I'm totally in agreement with you. Though I think that tossing in more characters would surely slow everything down. 4 people posting goes WAY faster then 7.
2009-03-02 [PhoenixSilverDark]: The only immediate solution is to be quick about your post and not linger.
2009-03-02 [Trennas]: I'm not sure if that would actually solve anything, to be honest.. in terms that you would get more chances to post when there are only four people playing the RP, then yes. Say, hypothetically
2009-03-02 [Jeesum Crowe]: I'm gonna say right now
a) You need more than 4 people in an RP for when some people die.
b) You need edit wars to gauge how interested your players are/how interesting the RP is.
c)An RP assumes you will make time for the RP, the RP does not make time for you, because when it comes down to it, the RP has control, see section a of this explanation for a hint at how.
A good RP needs to have edit button wars because this means the players are interested and want to be there and want to RP. A nonchalant RP drags on, is dull, & takes a million years to get anywhere. A nonchalant RP is nonchalant. No one cares about it. No one fights for a nonchalant RP.
Is my opinion.
2009-03-02 [PhoenixSilverDark]: GOOD MORNING PAIGE
2009-03-02 [Jeesum Crowe]: GOOD MORNING. I'm gonna run downstairs and get breakfast now, though! :P I will be there! Wearing your shoes, BTW!
2009-03-02 [Chel.]: Wait... how would having to keep track of numerous characters slow down editing sessions? People should read the page without editing and only edit when you wish to play as your character.
In my opinion at least. This would probably lessen the chance of someone editing over your post.
2009-03-02 [PhoenixSilverDark]: HAH! You would [Jeesum Crowe]*. I won't get home until later than 4:30. I'm going to stop into Printmaking and run some proofs, and maybe edit my plates. ENJOY BREAKFAST AND THEN PONTY SHOULD TOTALLY POST.
*For future clarification.
2009-03-02 [PhoenixSilverDark]: I always copy my posts, incase I do get edited over. It happened last night. I am paranoid.
2009-03-02 [Jeesum Crowe]: Nah, nah, you grab the edit button, you skim for relevant posts (people who are responding to you or speaking to you,) you respond to them, and you catch up on outside plot lines while you're not editing. And you copy your posts before you submit, like Pho said.
2009-03-02 [Trennas]: multiple character --> more typing --> longer editing times! and, since their appears to be a ten minute edited over rule, this will increase the amount of edit-overs..
i am also copying my posts from now on, in case that that happens again.
2009-03-02 [PhoenixSilverDark]: JC & I play fair when we're both editing from my account, FYI. I post, and hit edit, in order to allow other people the chance to grab the button, then wait several minutes before grabbing it again. It's all a matter of keeping the time.
2009-03-02 [Chel.]: What exactly is that supposed to mean? The "You would." in such a derogatory way.
2009-03-02 [PhoenixSilverDark]: That "You would." was directed at Paige stealing my shoes.
2009-03-02 [Chel.]: ohhh... heh... <3 I thought you were talking to me! Sorry!
2009-03-02 [PhoenixSilverDark]: :D
2009-03-02 [Trennas]: oh noes! shoe stealers!:p
waiting several minutes does seem like a good idea for fairness sake; it would give everyone a chance to post something without getting overwhelmed :)
2009-03-02 [Jeesum Crowe]: My rule has always been, don't hit the edit button until the person you're directly involved with in the scene has edited & you've read it. The time they take to edit lets other people read what THEY'RE responding to, and the time it takes you to read it is plenty of time for someone to grab the edit button. Waiting several minutes after every post just ends up in a shitload of people sitting around for several minutes wasting valuable RP time when clearly none of us have much.
2009-03-02 [Chel.]: Well that makes sense. :)
2009-03-02 [Trennas]: hmm, i think it would work even better (in this particular RP) if this would not just apply to the person you're directly involved with, but for everyone. otherwise you'll just have a few people RP-ing while the rest has to squeeze into the spare moments between the edits, which is quite troublesome and can lead to over edits, as we have seen before:p
2009-03-02 [Trennas]: once again, sorry to be such a drag about this, but it just seems that ET is not built for RP-ing per se and that the wiki editing doesnt work as well as we all hope to, so im just thinking of solutions by throwing in these discussions, thats all;) i really appreciate the feedback though :)
2009-03-02 [Jeesum Crowe]: Not to be offensive, but ET was built for RPing. Like. Severely well-built for RPing. The allowance of only one person at a time prevents inconsistencie
2009-03-02 [Jeesum Crowe]: And, like I said, if you READ the posts you're responding to BEFORE hitting the edit button, that's PLENTY of time for someone else to grab it before you. Going in a cycle isn't going to work out. It fucks with the plot and how real an RP sounds. No one talks like:
Anne: "What is happening?"
Joseph: "I don't know, Anne, this is awful!"
May: "I--"
Joseph: "It's not your turn to speak now, May, it's Kelly's turn."
Kelly: "Oh, sorry. Uh... Oh! Yeah, this is terrifying!"
May: "My turn now?"
2009-03-02 [Trennas]: but that doesn't always seem to work, now does it? it works, but i wouldnt say its built for RP ing in the least bit:S
2009-03-02 [Jeesum Crowe]: Clearly you're used to some kind of weird snail paced RPing which I'm sure if I looked hard enough I could find major faults in (including the fact that it's snail paced) but if you'd ever been involved in an ET RP before and thought not to judge it before the plot had even started, you might see that we can have a really great time and part of that great time is fighting for the edit button. I'm not suggesting you leave this RP, because you joined and I'm sure if you loosen up you'll have a good time, but if you're just going to slam it, what's the point of hanging around? It's worked for me for five years, I've had a blast, and I stand by my claim that ET RPing is the best RPing I've ever experienced - and I've TBRPG'd in a lot of different ways.
2009-03-02 [Trennas]: o.O ...
excuse me? i think i explained on several comments here that i am actually new to this. secondly, my interest in the workings of ET rping, as i have explained before, are to find solutions for some problems. maybe you dont see them anymore as such because you are used to it, but i definitely see some points that could use work.
i am not slamming this RP at all, i am merely looking for ways to improve ET RPing in general, because whether you want to accept this or not, its not as perfect as you claim it to be. at least not for some people, including me.
2009-03-02 [Jeesum Crowe]: If you're new to RPing in general maybe you're not able to see how vast the difference in quality between a forum or IM RP to a wiki RP. No RP is going to be perfect, that's impossible, but I've already highlighted some of the major features that ET RPing has that other forms of RP lack. No RP is ever going to be perfect, and I never said ET RPs were perfect, I simply said they're the best experience I've had and they are built for RPing comparative to other forms of RPing.
Also, if you're new, you might not be used to the system of it. When you get to a certain point, there can be a rhythm to the RP and things can run very smoothly. But you can't come into an RP, be 2 or 3 days in - especially on one that has begun as slowly as this one has - and judge it right away as not working. It takes time for the players to get to know each other and how they work, for the plot to get going, &c. Fighting for the edit button is just as much part of the game as the writing. That being said, most players do and all players should have the courtesy to stop RPing for a few minutes if they know they've been on a run, or to break for the night when they realise they have been going too long. I'm not saying they always will, because you can get very into it, and there are slip ups and to expect there not to be is ridiculous.
This is a roleplay. It's like a conversation. You have to interrupt to say what you want to say, and you have to actually be there to know what's being said.
2009-03-02 [Trennas]: i may be new to RP in this form, i am not new to RP-ing in general. And once again, since you aren't getting my point:
I am not slamming this RP at all, i am merely looking for ways to improve ET RPing in general
The things I notice have nothing to do with the contents of this RP whatsoever. It could be about poop-dinosaurs on Mars for all I care, its about the functionality of wiki RP-ing. If i notice something that just doesn't really work or feel right with me, I bring it out in the open. That's what I do. That doesn't mean I am here to messiah the hell out of the current RP system and come up with a new plan, I'm just pointing out things that may be obvious to you, but are not to me.
2009-03-02 [Jeesum Crowe]: Listen, I got your point, I don't think you're understanding my response, I've given you solutions, I've told you how things really work, but I'm just trying to point out to you that your experience is based entirely ON this RP. You are clearly judging the entire whole of ET RPing on your experience of this one RP, which has barely begun. I never mentioned anything about the contents of the RP, I am just pointing out your lack of experience and your lack of understanding of the ET RP system and that you just seem to be very quick to judge when, in terms of the plotLINE of this RP, and not the actual PLOT, poop-dinosaurs or not, just where we are in the story arch, it's very, very early to judge how the actual RPing is going to go down.
2009-03-02 [Chel.]: how about everyone just stfu? :)
2009-03-02 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Man, I disappear to class and heated discussion breaks out. It'd figure.
2009-03-02 [Trennas]: last thing im going to say about this: the story = the contents of the RP, which has nothing to do with the functionality of wiki-RP-ing.
2009-03-02 [Jeesum Crowe]: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have expected you to understand this system.
2009-03-02 [Evolution X]: ..............
2009-03-02 [Jeesum Crowe]: Are you drinking my milkshake?
2009-03-02 [PhoenixSilverDark]: No, but I AM! -runs off with JC's milkshake-
2009-03-02 [Evolution X]: I drink your milkshakes... *gets a long straw and tries to get it in the milkshake Phoenix is carrying*
2009-03-02 [Jeesum Crowe]: You people.
2009-03-02 [Evolution X]: I DENY ALL!
2009-03-02 [Jeesum Crowe]: Does anyone remember the chair? Didn't I used to have a very large, comfortable chair for days like this?
2009-03-03 [Elwyne]: My problem seems to be that I show up after everyone else vanishes... yes she was the one with the crossbow. Her primary weapon that she tinkers with a lot.
2009-03-03 [PhoenixSilverDark]: She's still around everyone. We're still all hangin' out at the convention. Well. Except Douglas. I think he's still in the window. But technically at the convention.
2009-03-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: Oh yeah those crazzzzzy windows.
2009-03-03 [Nite_Owl]: So within a few hours you guys filled up 3/4 of a fucking page? I'm sorry, but that is NOT good RPing. And don't start slamming me, either, because I've been here for five years myself. This RP system is great, easily the best text-based one on the net, until assholes like yourselves abuse it. In a RP with several characters (basically, any more than 3 or maybe 4), it is IMPERATIVE that you give others a chance to speak unless its obvious that their character is going to be by themselves for a bit. You're being incredibly unsympathetic to those of us who have actual lives and a sense of courtesy enough to let others in and not abuse the edit button ever 2 minutes. Not only are you overtaking other characters and their posts, but you're spamming the comments too, which is just plain stupid. There's a difference between being funny and being incredibly rude, and you've well passed that line. You could at least take someone else's argument into account if you're going to battle it out.
Feel free to PM me if you feel you must. I'd rather not spam the comments any more than they already have been
2009-03-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: Woah, woah, woah, woah. First of all, you are spamming the comments by bringing this up and comments are here so we can have a public forum. Other RPers deserve to know what is being said. Second of all, we stopped RPing for hours before we came back and DESPITE THE FACT that others had been online, NOTHING had changed. We can't be expected to sit around doing nothing because other people are sitting around doing nothing - somebody's got to do something. We have given PLENTY of those IMPERATIVE chances for people to respond - minutes long to hours long. Third of all, I don't appreciate a personal attack against my apparently illusory life, speaking of being incredibly rude. Fourth, I did take the arguments into account, but the argument was coming out of nowhere and didn't pertain to what I was saying.
Maybe if you could have figured out how to enter your character in the first place you wouldn't have any problems keeping up or being involved.
2009-03-03 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Mmmmmmm. Lookit that free edit button.
On another note, Florence's french, translated:
"How are you?" "Good, I understand. When I speak in french, you can speak in english, yes?"
For those who were curious.
2009-03-03 [Nite_Owl]: Again, you fail to see the argument. And I'm having a legitimate conversation concerning this RP and gave you the option to take this privately, which, since you're evidently rejecting, I'll say me piece freely here, thanks.
Kudos for waiting a few hours, as you say, but that doesn't change that no one edited during that time and you should have waited for someone to do so. Time doesn't matter; moving forward does.
Also, I alluded to nothing about your personal life, except that you apparently believe everyone can be on at the same time for hours a day, everyday, and I'm assuming it comes from personal experience. It's an educated observation, and I somehow doubt I was far off, at least in one aspect.
Speaking of being rude, once again, this has nothing to do with my character at all. I chose not to enter him yet until later, and I stand by that choice. As a experienced RPer myself, I'm speaking on behalf of my own reasoning and experience that you simply need to slow down. Let others get in on the fun aspects of RPing, and not just command pages and pages of text that leave everyone else behind. That's all I'm saying.
2009-03-03 [Pnelma Tirian]: Wow, guys.
Nite_Owl, please be respectful with your comments on this wikipage. Citing the rules on the previous page, I'm not fond of swearing at each other, even in the rp.
The edit-button wars with this large a group of these kinds of players was inevitable, I realize this. That's what the red synopsis at the top of the wiki-page is for, when people log off for the night, come back when they get home from work, and see huge chunks of rp done. It's so people like me, who get home at 5:30, can give the red text a skim and jump back in.
Secondly, in this case Pho and JC's rampant posting, besides being a bit annoying, is entirely harmless. The content of their posting has been banal conversation, and has done nothing to forward the plot, so we're still in the same place we were before. The fact that a larger group of you have commented down here about how this method of RPing is flawed and held a longer argument with the two RPers who have been hogging the edit button than there are actual posts on the RP I find distressing.
If the edit button wars get too out of hand, and you want to get in your edit, write down here, in the comments, "I CALL NEXT POST AFTER PNELMA", and you'll get it.
I just got home not a few minutes ago and read through the past three pages of comments, so let me know if there's anything I haven't addressed.
2009-03-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: Of course I wouldn't take it privately, it's a public discussion regarding a public topic.
I think you are ignoring the detail where others HAD been online. It was not a problem of whether or not they were on for the same hours - they WERE. They clearly CHOSE not to edit. This is a choice I feel RPers who would choose TO edit can take advantage of. Choosing not to edit for yourself is not a choice for everyone to stop editing and no RPer has that control.
"[T]hose of us who have actual lives" implies I do not.
You can't be left behind when the RPing in question has nothing to do with and no effect on your character. The conversation taking place between Flo and Ponty would maximum take 10 or 15 minutes in real time. That's stretching it. You do not need to read every post when you're RPing. May I suggest you take to using the ctrl + f feature in order to search for your character's name & relevant posts. No one is left behind in this situation. Nothing is even happening in the RP at this point. There really should be no cause for alarm.
2009-03-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: Thank you, PT. Like I said, our posting affects nothing, there's no cause for alarm at this point. But I'm going to let PT handle this from here, I didn't mean to post after her, I wasn't aware she had commented.
2009-03-03 [PhoenixSilverDark]: In any event...I LOVE YOU ALL. <3
2009-03-03 [Nite_Owl]: Fine, I see I'm beat, as always. I'll give this place another chance, but I have to mention that I'm honestly considering leaving, especially since I haven't even technically entered yet. Sadly, my biggest peeve is people who take up all the comment space with pointless banter that should be held in PM's. My second is missing character development--t
I apologize to Pnelma for the swearing, and, if Jeesum feels like being equally civil, I apologize for calling you out as well. I wasn't trying to mock your life or whatever you believe I was implying, I was only trying to explain my point so that this wouldn't be such a hassle for those of us who can't be on when you are.
I'll leave it be for now and hang in the background again.
2009-03-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: I just think we can forget about all of this. PT has supplied her responses, we need to respect her as the GM & so I will join you in doing so.
2009-03-03 [Nite_Owl]: Yeah, sure...thanks a bunch.
2009-03-03 [Elwyne]: Hey Nite? I'm not on much so you could post off and on with Deltira. I'd definitely give you room to respond before continueing.
2009-03-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: Would it help if we had a posting limit, say, 5 or 7 posts per day?
2009-03-03 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Ouch, that's painful.
2009-03-03 [Pnelma Tirian]: NOW, no one is allowed to post prolifically, as the plot is now moving forward. Once everyone has taken their seats, we will continue.
2009-03-03 [PhoenixSilverDark]: If you miss a day, do your posts rollover? Are we like, suggesting some sort of warped 'minutes' telephone plan here? JC, I think I need to get you drunk and talk some sense into you, grrrrrrl.
2009-03-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: No, posts would not rollover :P And they could only be implemented when PT was not around. For example, if there were an RP session with PT present as the GM, for as long as she allowed it we could post as much as we wanted. I think it makes sense, stop giggling, woman!
2009-03-03 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Are these seats the seats that Ponty & Flo are already in, or are they other seats?
JC - Seriously? No rollover posts? Do we offer other plans?
2009-03-03 [Elwyne]: (listening)
2009-03-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: We offer the one plan. We are totalitarians.
2009-03-03 [Pnelma Tirian]: Sorry, I wasn't clear, let me clarify what the inside looks like.
2009-03-03 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Thanks, PT :3
2009-03-03 [PhoenixSilverDark]: But I totally wish we had rollovers.
2009-03-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: Pho & I gotta bolt. Peace!
2009-03-03 [Elwyne]: I'm up to 2 posts for today
2009-03-03 [Elwyne]: now 3... oh um... it's in Deltira's character to act like she's insane, but do please let me know if I go too far at any point. I'll try to keep her under some control if she exceeds the rules or offends anyone.
2009-03-03 [Pnelma Tirian]: Elwyne, the post limit is in effect when I am not here to moderate. I'll let you know when you should give it a rest for today, :)
2009-03-04 [Nite_Owl]: I like the posting restriction idea. 7 posts is plenty for one day :)
2009-03-04 [Pnelma Tirian]: sounds good. :)
2009-03-04 [Elwyne]: sokay, I was kicked out of ET last night before my computer curfew anyway. I don't think I'm at much risk to get into trouble with the restriction though. Seeing that the most posts I've had in a day was 3 here so far.
2009-03-04 [Jeesum Crowe]: I thought the limit was 5? Are these rules going to be put up somewhere? Do I get credit? :P
2009-03-04 [Evolution X]: I have a feeling I'm going to be left behind in this RP...
2009-03-04 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Even with the posting limit?
2009-03-04 [Chel.]: Why did everything stop?
2009-03-04 [PhoenixSilverDark]: I think we're waiting for Dr. Coddlesmith to speak now.
2009-03-04 [Jeesum Crowe]: You'd think when it was like '118 min ago' it would know that that was, like. Time to start using the hours.
2009-03-04 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Weird.
2009-03-05 [Nite_Owl]: Alright, that's my one post for the night. Got someplace to be. Be on tomorrow about the same time as now. :)
2009-03-05 [Pnelma Tirian]: DOOOOOOM!
2009-03-05 [Evolution X]: haaaang on... how am I meant to be the bad guy here when this guy is? And I mean everyone's going to be after it for their own goals so... not much difference in my own guy from the rest...
2009-03-06 [Nite_Owl]: I kind of agree :o Maybe there's just more than two sides
2009-03-06 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Of course there's more than two sides. The good side. The bad side. And then his side :3 Herbert can be on his own side. While he may be employed by someone, he's in this for his own selfish reasons, no? He's on his side and no one elses, no matter how much they pay. So says I.
2009-03-06 [Pnelma Tirian]: man, that Herbert has one hell of an itchy trigger finger.
2009-03-06 [Evolution X]: He just REALLY doesn't care...
2009-03-07 [Pnelma Tirian]: Just waiting for Trennas to post to continue :)
2009-03-09 [Trennas]: shootout at the convention center; nice :)
sorry for the sudden disappearance people, had to deal with some important real world stuff last week :p
2009-03-11 [Trennas]: aim for the feet; A-team style:p
2009-03-11 [Chel.]: hahah! XD
2009-03-11 [Evolution X]: thanks... for waiting.... -_-
2009-03-12 [Pnelma Tirian]: dude, you have been online and not posted several times.
2009-03-12 [Trennas]: besides, its not that hard to catch up. I read up on my missing days during breakfast, and it was actually busy at that time:p
2009-03-12 [Jeesum Crowe]: I'm so tired of playing, playing with this bow & arrow I'm gonna give my heart away, leave it to the other girls to play...
2009-03-12 [Trennas]: you could at least keep my gender intact :p
seriously though; just a cryptic message or are you really leaving? because it seemed to me like you were having fun..
2009-03-12 [Jeesum Crowe]: It's lyrics from a Portishead song, man.
2009-03-12 [Trennas]: well sheesh, i can't smell that now can i? :p
2009-03-12 [Chel.]: hahaha
2009-03-12 [Jeesum Crowe]: Well you should check it out, man, it's called Glory Box. Damn good song.
2009-03-12 [Trennas]: i remember the tune of that song, never knew the lyrics though. has literally been aaaaaaaaages since i heard it..
2009-03-12 [PhoenixSilverDark]: If someone offers you a free puppy, do you take the free puppy?
2009-03-12 [Evolution X]: I have not! I've barely been on lately cause I've been busy!
2009-03-12 [Trennas]: what kind of puppy?:p
2009-03-12 [Evolution X]: Dalmation
2009-03-12 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Mixed. Which is why they're free, because if they go to the pound they'll only keep them for so long before killing them :/ Both parents are smaller than medium sized dogs, so they won't get too large...which is ideal, since I have an apartment...
2009-03-12 [Trennas]: oh, its a real situation. well, it depends on whether you want a dog or not. but instead of taking the dog to the pound, they could also take it to the SPCA, who take care or relocating them :)
mind you, i only know about them because of animal planet, but well, they seem to do a good job with animals and they relocate as many animals as they can to people who actually care about them :)
2009-03-12 [PhoenixSilverDark]: I do want a dog. I've been contemplating it for a while, ever since I got my apartment last year (wow, I've lived here for a year, CRAZY). I'm in a good location, right by a large grassy area that's perfect for running around with a dog, I go on lots of walks, I get up early, live right by campus so I have access to my apartment at all hours, etc.
2009-03-12 [Trennas]: sounds quite ideal for a dog:) but it depends on your own preferences if you want that dog in particular of course..
2009-03-12 [Pnelma Tirian]: take the dog! he'll be good for you :D That's my opinion!
2009-03-12 [PhoenixSilverDark]: I checked our shelter, which unfortunately is a kill shelter, and they had large dogs, mostly adults. I would have taken them home in a MINUTE, but my apartment is definitely too small for a large dog. I was considering adopting a boston terrier, he was about 3 yrs old. I would have taken him, too, but they don't kill pure breeds and they said they'd already had several other people interested in him, so I wasn't too concerned that he wouldn't get adopted.
I'm not really picky about what sort of dog, sizes aside. I just want a dog, haha. My only concern right now is "Will he be a cuddler? That would make RPing easier". :3
2009-03-12 [Pnelma Tirian]: Chillin' for Abe and Deltira :)
2009-03-12 [PhoenixSilverDark]: I guess I'll go and do my french & art history homework...and puppy proof my apartment :D
2009-03-12 [Trennas]: and ill be getting some sleep.. soooooon...
2009-03-12 [Nite_Owl]: Abe's run off someplace for now, but I think I might have him run into Florence, Cassandra and Maxwell in the alley soon :)
2009-03-12 [Elwyne]: oh... I'm wondering what Deltira's going to do. So far she's just running amok. I hope she's entertaining everyone else as she seems set on entertaining herself right now.
2009-03-13 [Pnelma Tirian]: ...did Deltira just give Douglas her ear?
2009-03-13 [Elwyne]: no! one of her earrings. She has a communicator in two of her earrings. In other words they can keep in contact with each other if they get split up. (would be interesting if she did though. Too bad she didn't have any fake body parts on her when she left to come here)
2009-03-13 [Elwyne]: oops, I do need to fix that don't I?
2009-03-13 [Trennas]: hahaha XD i rather liked the ear thing, so i just decided to go with it XD just see what you do with it though, its amusing anyhow :p
I am going to bed for real now though. getting sleepy ^^ night!
2009-03-13 [Elwyne]: g'night
2009-03-13 [Chel.]: I think it's cool that even though most of them were in the convention for themselves, they are working together right now! So cute!
2009-03-13 [Jeesum Crowe]: GET A PUPPY GET A PUPPY GET A PUPPY!
2009-03-13 [PhoenixSilverDark]: I don't know who you're thinking of, Florence is all about herself.
2009-03-13 [Chel.]: Hahah!! Excluding her... lol
2009-03-13 [PhoenixSilverDark]: :D
2009-03-13 [Trennas]: wont be on much this weekend! but ill try to hop in when i get the chance ;)
2009-03-13 [PhoenixSilverDark]: I may not be on much Saturday, BECAUSE I'M GETTING A PUPPY, and the campus internet will be down for maintenance most of the day, and I mooch off of 'em. :)
2009-03-13 [Pnelma Tirian]: Yeah, I won't be online much this weekend either. ^_^;; film shoot and all.
2009-03-13 [Chel.]: well am I the only one without a life that will be on all weekend? XD
2009-03-14 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Pishaw, I don't have a social life, just a PUPPY PUPPY PUPPY PUPPY.
2009-03-14 [Chel.]: Abe that's awesome! XD
2009-03-14 [Nite_Owl]: Haha XD *takes a bow* Thank you very much! :P
2009-03-14 [Trennas]: yaaay! congratulation
2009-03-14 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Thanks :3 He's positively adorable!
2009-03-14 [Trennas]: aaahw ^^ what's his name?:D
2009-03-14 [Elwyne]: ok, I'm sorry everyone but something has come up. My internet connection is going bad for some reason that I need to figure out and so I can't get on here reliably until I can fix that connection. As it is I had to borrow one of my sisters' computers to be able to let everyone know about the problem. I'm not sure what you should do with Deltira. Unless someone feels that they can play her fairly well until I get back, or do something to take her out of the action for a while. Really, I'm sorry. I've been enjoying playing here so much, and I hope that I'll be back on soon, but I can't promise right now.
2009-03-14 [Trennas]: i can drag her along with Douglas and try to continue her craziness if thats alright with you? They paired up anyway, so it sort of makes sense to me :)
too bad about the connection problems though:( hope you'll fix it soon!!:O
2009-03-14 [Elwyne]: Me too, I hope it's fixed soon, and I would be grateful if you would. Yes she does like to pretend to be crazy. If you need any ideas you can check out Deltira's House she has some odd things she's done in the history pages.
2009-03-14 [Trennas]: I will do that tomorrow or so ^^ Don't you worry, i have got plenty of crazy ideas ;)
2009-03-14 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Hope you get that problem fixed soon!
And the puppy's name is Jack :)
2009-03-18 [PhoenixSilverDark]: -waits...with a puppy-
2009-03-18 [Nite_Owl]: So are we all going to follow Cassandra?
2009-03-19 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Florence is going to follow because she wants to keep near the canister. And provided JC has no objections, she's going to pull Ponty along.
2009-03-31 [PhoenixSilverDark]: So like, where is everyone?
2009-03-31 [Chel.]: idk....everyon
2009-03-31 [PhoenixSilverDark]: And I thought I was going to be strapped for time, what with having this puppy...
2009-03-31 [Trennas]: Sorry gang! my internet provider pulled a rather nasty prank on me last week, pretty much taking away my interwebs for the entire friggin week. I finally caught up with most of my online stuff and should be with you again quickly!:D
2009-04-03 [Pnelma Tirian]: NOTICE!: I will be in Paris for the next week or so, so I won't have internet access. So I guess you guys will have to curb your crazy posting all of the time. XD Just fyi.
2009-04-05 [Elwyne]: Nice one, Trennas! I like the herring idea! Although I suppose if it had been me I would have used a Halibut... I'm weird. I don't like swearing so instead of saying "just for the hell of it" I tend to say "just for the halibut" as in the fish. My internet is unpredictable right now, but if you don't mind random posting I can start playing Deltira again.
2009-04-14 [Trennas]: sorry for being so absent again people! Real life is being a total drag at the moment (and that moment seems to stretch further and further every day -_-) Won't be on much until I solve things at this end :( Sorry once again!!
2009-04-14 [Chel.]: well dammit all, I'm posting again!
2009-04-14 [Evolution X]: I have to wait for Florence...
2009-04-14 [Elwyne]: Sokay Trennas, I've been having a hard time too, though my difficulty is from the internet connection instead of life.
2009-04-14 [Chel.]: umm...deltira? The group with the canister is safe inside of a hotel room...
2009-04-14 [Elwyne]: I know, I'm trying to catch up a little bit cuz she's been out for a long time... I was thinking of having her peek in through the window at them.
2009-04-15 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Evo, what do you mean wait? If mine eyes do not lie, Florence has already posted in response to Herbert.
2009-04-15 [Evolution X]: yeeeeeah... but now he has to wait for florence to go so I can follow her.
2009-04-15 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Ah. That makes sense.
2009-04-15 [Nite_Owl]: I think I'm going to ditch this RP, guys. Just not getting too much into it. I doubt anyone will have any qualms. Someone can take my character or replace him. It's all good
2009-04-16 [Pnelma Tirian]: as you like it.
2009-04-17 [Elwyne]: see? Now I'm caught up!
2009-04-18 [Elwyne]: umm... should I drag Douglas along the way he did Deltira when I was internet lacking?
2009-04-25 [PhoenixSilverDark]: I love how we had like...a brief second wind, and then we all like...passed out.
2009-04-26 [Elwyne]: I'm still around... Deltira is getting bored though.
2009-07-04 [Chel.]: It's a shame that this died before the COOL stuff happened... like actually going to find the holy...thingy that we are looking for.
2009-07-05 [Elwyne]: nod nod
2009-07-05 [Evolution X]: Well... pnel's left by the look of it, not like we're getting it standing soon without her.
2009-08-26 [Pnelma Tirian]: Sorry about the hiatus, folks--turns out I was actually foolishly waiting on the character that dropped out to post, lol. If y'all are still interested I'm more than willing to pick the rp up again.
2009-08-26 [Chel.]: for reals?!
2009-08-26 [Pnelma Tirian]: why the hell not? :D
2009-08-26 [Evolution X]: Cause you dissapeared constantly and I thought left us forever *pokes my fingers together slightly*
2009-08-26 [Pnelma Tirian]: I apologize again for that. I just figured it would be fun to start it up again, but that's up to you guys, of course!
2009-08-26 [Evolution X]: woots ^_^
2009-08-26 [Chel.]: I'm up for it!
2009-08-27 [Evolution X]: ^_^
2009-08-27 [Pnelma Tirian]: awesome :D
2009-08-30 [PhoenixSilverDark]: I'm down with it -goes to get JC to come back too-
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